Надіслати запит

If applicable, please use the email address connected to your FREE NOW account

Enter an email address to forward your request to. The forwarding is completely free and based on your consent. You can withdraw your consent at any time. Please find more information here: https://www.free-now.com/uk/driver-privacy-policies/

Ця форма призначена лише для водіїв, які ще не зареєструвалися або не мають доступу до додатку FREENOW. Водії, зареєстровані у FREENOW, можуть зв'язатися з нами через розділ «Допомога» у додатку для водіїв.

Current FREENOW Passengers should contact us via chat in the Passenger app’s Help section. This form is intended only for B2B admins and those who haven't registered yet or can't access the FREENOW Passenger app.

Current FREENOW Passengers should contact us via chat in the Passenger app’s Help section. This form is intended only for B2B admins and those who haven't registered yet or can't access the FREENOW Passenger app.

If you're a fleet owner, you can enter more than one license plate number e.g BXX123, BXX456, BXX789

Not required - This number is auto-filled by the app when submitting the form via "Trips" > "Help" button

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