It is a FREENOW policy and the law that you must always allow service dogs to accompany passengers on a trip. People use service dogs to help them with a range of disabilities, such as deafness or blindness, however, not all disabilities are immediately apparent.
Refusing to do so is a serious offence that risks prosecution and the possible loss of licence.
What if the animal isn't a service animal?
With non-service animals, your vehicle is your property, and you have the right to refuse entry to riders who are accompanied by non-service animals.
What if I am allergic to dogs/animals?
If for medical reasons you're not able to accept a service dog inside your vehicle you'll need to obtain an exemption certificate in advance from your local licensing authority and have this in your vehicle for every trip.
We recommend checking the booking notes on the offer card as passengers will likely let you know in advance if they are bringing a pet with them.
Please, check out TfL's website for more information.