If you can't be located on the map/aren't seeing the map, and your phone displays an error message, please check that your location services setting is ON.
Not sure how to do this? Don't worry, we'll walk you through the steps for iPhone and Android below:
On an iPhone:
- Click on the 'Settings' application on your iPhone
- Click 'Location'
- Click 'FREENOW Driver'
- Set to 'Always'
It is also important to note, if you're using iOS14 and above, you will also need to make sure 'Precise Location' is switched on
On an Android:
- Click on the 'Settings' application on your Android
- Click 'Apps'
- Click 'FREENOW Driver'
- Click 'Permissions'
- Click 'Location'
- Click 'Allow'
It is also important to check your app is on the latest version possible to ensure it's running smoothly. You can check if there are any updates available in the App Store/Play Store.
Are you still having issues with your location access? Get in contact without our Driver Care Team directly. They'll be happy to help!