FREENOW does not accept partner drivers on our platform who have an endorsement for any of the following driving offences listed below:
- Accident offences: AC10, AC20, AC30
- Disqualified driver: BA10, BA20, BA30, BA40, BA60
- Careless driving: CD10, CD40, CD50, CD60, CD70, CD71, CD80, CD90
- Reckless/dangerous driving: DD10, DD20, DD30, DD40, DD50, DD60, DD70, DD80, DD90
- Drink: DR10, DR20, DR30, DR31, DR40, DR50, DR60, DR61, DR70, DR80, DR90
- Drugs: DG10, DG40, DG60
- Insurance: IN10, IN14
- Licence offences: LC10, LC20
- Miscellaneous offences: MS50, MS90
- Special code: TT99, XX99
- Theft or unauthorised taking: UT10, UT20,
- UT30, UT40, UT50
- Mutual recognition codes: MR09, MR19, MR49, MR59